How to repair and protect concrete structures in wastewater treatment plants

Wastewater treatment plant

A wastewater treatment plant is an essential piece of infrastructure designed to provide the long term continuous and efficient treatment of water so that it can be recycled and returned to the environment. Downtime – stopping a wastewater process is always critical – must be avoided.


Understanding concrete structure challenges in wastewater treatment plants

The complex nature of wastewater creates challenging problems for the surrounding infrastructure. Concrete structures need to be protected and maintained because they are exposed to chemical attack, abrasion, chloride ion induced corrosion and much more on a daily basis.

Concrete exposed to chemical attack in wastewater treatment plants

The severe conditions of wastewater facilities include confined spaces or spaces which are difficult to access, humid substrates and the environment surrounding the structures.

Once the concrete structure has become damaged a basic understanding of the causes is essential if we are to successfully repair and protect the concrete.

The choice of repair and protection solution will need to address all these challenges. Furthermore, the time required to carry out maintenance and the frequency of intervention to conduct them will also be enormously influenced by the chosen solution.


Concrete wastewater treatment plants repair strategies

The repair of concrete structures that have been damaged by corrosion can be successfully carried out in a number of ways.
One option is to use patch repair, focusing only on the areas where damage is visible. Another option is to apply high-thickness products to patch and cover the entire surface.

Finally, the most common approach is, after patch repair, to apply a protective waterproofing membrane which will protect the entire surface exposed to wastewater.


Even the best concrete needs a waterproofing membrane and protection

In this webinar you will see how aggressive wastewater can be for concrete and the application needs and limiting conditions for the effective repair and protection of tanks and structures of wastewater plants.

A review of what works and what does not work concerning the protection of concrete in wastewater treatment facilities and the introduction of the new waterproofing membrane based on Xolutec® technology: MasterSeal 7000 CR and the properties that make it especially suitable for protection of concrete and metallic structures in extreme environments.
You will also see testimonials of real applications.

Concrete protection and waterproofing membrane  MasterSeal 7000 CR

MasterSeal 7000 CR is a waterproofing and concrete protection system from Master Builders Solutions with a unique combination of application and performance properties that are especially suited for use in the most aggressive environments, such as wastewater treatment plants and biogas facilities, where hydrogen sulphide and biogenic sulphuric acid can be present.

Recorded webinar:
Effective methods for the repair and protection of concrete in wastewater treatment plants


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