Looking back to 2022. Top winter reads for construction experts.

Posted by Albert Berenguel - 20 December, 2022

It's that time of year again - time to stay at home next to a warm fire or maybe time to load up the car and head for a ski resort or jet off to a nice Caribbean beach. We know that you're looking for ways to make this vacation even more magical than last year's, and you may be looking for something inspiring to read – maybe a book recommended by a friend or something interesting to broaden your knowledge.

We've put together a selection of reads published during the last few months in our Construction Solutions blog so that you can top up your knowledge in just a few minutes, without the need to carry heavy books or spend hours googling.


Cold winter outdoors


Green roofs. Sustainable construction, greener cities, and combating global warming are issues faced worldwide. Green roofs can help tackle many of these challenges. The use of MasterSeal liquid waterproofing membranes in green roofs offers extraordinary benefits and secure durability, avoiding costly repairs.


Fighting potholes. A new product in our broad portfolio addresses challenges in small-scale repairs avoiding the typical durability drawbacks of cold asphalt. Read about MasterEmaco T 1600 in this blog:


Innovation in action:  How to succeed in a change of era that requires us to innovate in the way we take decisions, especially for water preservation using MasterSeal 7000 CR as a good example.


Car parks. Car parks are exposed to aggressive media that compromise their aesthetics and durability and, more critically, their safety. Trafficked surfaces face extreme mechanical, chemical, and dynamic loads that can compromise the safety of a car park’s customers. Read about solutions for repair, protection and waterproofing in car parks in these two posts:


Fish farms. Solutions for waterproofing fish farm tanks must allow the continuous operation of the tanks without leakages and must provide a seamless and smooth surface inside the tank so that the fish do not injure themselves. Read about our experience in Norway in this blog:


Permeability of membranes to gases:  Our series looked at different requirements, depending on the type of gas and the application. Sometimes a membrane is needed to protect the concrete, and in other cases, its role is to prevent a valuable gas from escaping.


And one of the most important topics nowadays…

Sustainability in construction. We looked at the sustainability of buildings, highlighting that waterproofing, protecting and repairing concrete are vital from a sustainability perspective because they avoid the need to demolish and re-construct.


We would like to hear from you, but first, enjoy your holidays and relax. When the new year starts and the winter holidays are over, we will be here to listen to your thoughts and suggestions.

We can't wait to see what the future holds in store!


Winter 2022 dreaming to the future


Topics: Concrete structures, Waterproofing, asphalt, Sustainability, Refurbishment, Concrete repair

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