Scratch-resistant flooring system brings quantifiable sustainability benefits

Posted by Vanja Landeck - 12 November, 2020

Busy manufacturing facilities are some of the most challenging environments for flooring, with heavy machines and constant foot and wheeled traffic making surface damage a real risk. In these areas, the floor needs to be extremely resistant. For responsible businesses, the need for a high level of durability is accompanied by the goal of reducing environmental impact while making sure that the flooring adds to its surroundings aesthetically. It’s a big ask but, as this project for textile manufacturer Polopiqué demonstrates, sustainability can shine through with a durable scratch-resistant system...

Polopiqué has a global presence in the textile sector, delivering at every stage of the textile production process, from raw materials to spinning, weaving and finishing cloth, followed by garment manufacture and distributing high-quality clothing to market. It’s the largest textile group in northern Portugal, a fact reflected by the size of its immense 10,000 m 2 production hall.

MasterTop_XolutecFlooring for a busy industrial operation

The demands on Polopiqué’s production hall’s flooring are intense, with large machinery and the movement putting the floor under duress every day. The repeated exposure to mechanical and thermal shock meant that the existing floor was causing issues and needed to be replaced to combat the effects of heavy usage. The answer was MasterTop 1912 from Master Builders Solutions - an innovative flooring system designed for areas undergoing heavy use, bringing standout durability with attractive aesthetics for today and tomorrow.


Formulated for performance and sustainability

As a responsible company with a commitment to minimizing its impact on the environment, Polopiqué aims to make its production processes as sustainable as possible, employing new technologies that support greener production wherever it can. Finding a practical, ecological and aesthetical flooring solution was an important aspect when selecting the right system.

MasterTop 1912 met Polopiqué’s strict criteria, offering superior sustainable performance delivered by Master Builders Solutions’ advanced Xolutec® technology. This technology results in semi-gloss, high scratch resistance so that flooring remains pristine even where it has to withstand a high mechanical load. Further eco-friendly credentials come from the flooring system’s extremely low level of VOC emissions.

Measurable benefits in use

By choosing MasterTop 1912 flooring for its production hall, Polopiqué benefited from severable quantifiable improvements:

  • The cost of cleaning and maintenance reduced by 50%, thanks to the flooring’s easily cleanable semi-gloss finish
  • A fourfold increase in scratch resistance
  • A 40% reduction in VOC emissions, conforming with AgBB




The system was quick and easy to apply, helping to limit downtime, which is of course one of the most important issues in any production plant.

Following the successful installation of MasterTop 1912, Polopiqué continued to work with the applicator Pavieste for the project to develop further solutions for different areas of the site.



To find out more about this ideal flooring system for challenging industrial conditions, you can read the full Polopiqué case study here!

If you are interested in MasterTop 1912 you can fill out the contact form below. Our experts are looking forward to provide you the most professional advice and support for your project!

Topics: Industrial Flooring

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