Risk management for industrial construction projects

Posted by Eric Boullenois - 26 February, 2018

Effective methods for saving costs 

How can the selection of concrete protection systems at an early stage in the decision- making process help minimize risks and costs in the wastewater treatment and chemical industries? To increase the operational safety of the plant, it is crucial to effectively protect exposed concrete structures like tanks and pipes against aggressive environments.

Industrial construction projects are very complex and involve numerous risks that can lead to delays in the construction phase or operational restrictions. Defects and errors can cause considerable additional costs and jeopardize the economic viability of the project.

Be prepared to leave the beaten paths

Risk management is crucial for construction projects. However, in attempting to mitigate risk, many engineers rely instinctively on long-standing partners and well-known building materials, which appear to have proven their long-term properties. This approach is in itself fraught with risk. Risk management based on gut instinct or previous experience could mean that you miss out on new efficient technologies and innovations.

Most waterproofing and concrete protection solutions are a compromise

The main products used in wastewater treatment or chemical plants are Epoxy-Novolac, Polyurea and Vinylester. However, these systems only meet some of the requirements. For example, Epoxy-Novolac is relatively acid-resistant, but has poor crack-bridging properties and can only be applied on dry surfaces. Polyurea has to be applied using special hot spray equipment and Vinylester resists acid well but cannot bridge cracks at all. Overall, the consideration of the various advantages and disadvantages of individual products makes effective risk management more complex.

Based on our new Xolutec technology, MasterSeal 7000 CR meets the challenge of aggressive wastewater and chemical environments via a unique combination of properties:

Specific chemical resistance

Specific chemical resistance,
including high concentrations of biogenic sulfuric acid


for gaps of up to 0.7 mm

 Maximum moisture tolerance

Maximum moisture tolerance
including application on humid substrates 

 Fast and easy application Fast and easy application

by rolling or spraying, at temperatures from +5 °C to +35 °C

 Excellent curing properties Excellent curing properties

even at lower temperatures

Conclusion: improved safety through the use of innovative systems

MasterSeal 7000 CR shows that recent advances in research have led to superior, durable waterproofing and concrete protection systems. The use of innovative systems can improve the effectiveness of risk management and help avoid high unexpected costs – given the fact that you also employ the fitting construction partner.

Topics: Risk Management

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