Refurbishing and waterproofing the “Arctic Ring” at Copenhagen Zoo

Posted by Admin - 16 July, 2018

In many respects, zoos present rather singular environments, and this becomes particularly evident when planning and scheduling construction or renovation projects: Modeled after the various natural habitats of the animals they accommodate, zoo enclosures attempt a balancing act between creating eye-pleasing scenic backdrops and replicating natural, species-appropriate environments. Less obvious but equally important are the many technical aspects involved in planning and constructing such artificial environments. Consequently, requirements on the Master Builders Solutions®  products used in the refurbishment of the “Arctic Ring” – a replica of the natural habitat of polar bears and seals at Copenhagen Zoo – were manifold and very specific.

From the perspective of construction and refurbishment, artificial habitats for zoo animals certainly fall into the ‘more demanding’ category: Imitating natural environments involves complex shapes and outlines, and often water plays a major role. In aquatic or semi-aquatic environments, the waterproofing solutions used often form part of the substrate for plants or stones, which, apart from general sturdiness, also requires excellent bonding properties. Moreover, any material used in such artificial habitats has to be absolutely safe for their animal inhabitants – they cannot be in any way detrimental to health or cause discomfort of any kind.

Species-appropriate waterproofing solutions

Unlike most fountains and pools, water basins for zoo animals are finely adjusted to their inhabitants’ individual requirements – a basic prerequisite, in fact, for them to survive in captivity. This also places particularly high demands on the waterproofing solutions used: salt- and freshwater resistance and suitability for decoration of the pools to bring them closer visually to the animals’ natural habitats may, in fact, both sound like givens. Next to all this, however, specific types of impact from the animals themselves have to be taken into account as well – due, for instance, to their weight, their sharp claws or beaks, or various items dragged into the pool, and, not least, the animals’ food and excrements. Waterproofing solutions for use in zoos should be easy to clean and of high, long-term resistance and reliability.

Avoid stress and unnecessary costs

Careful attention during the planning stage – essential in any construction project – is crucial here, too. Still, choosing the right solution and a suitable professional applicator may play an even greater role when taking into account that any future maintenance work not only involves the temporary closure of the facility but also the temporary relocation of its animal inhabitants. This represents a significant cost factor and a stressful, potentially harmful situation for the animals that can largely be avoided through far-sighted planning: Suitable and professionally applied solutions effectively enable those in charge to extend maintenance cycles and obtain long-term planning reliability for maintenance measures – particularly when supported by regular inspections of the structure in question – instead of having to respond to emergencies.

Arctic tundra leaky

At Copenhagen Zoo, a polar bear and several seals enjoy an environment that is a detailed recreation of their natural habitat: the “Arctic Ring”, modeled after the coastal landscape of the arctic tundra. Only two years after the Arctic Ring had been opened, however, its three pools as well as the reservoir for cleaning the pools were found to leak significant amounts of water. Those in charge decided to approach Master Builder Solutions experienced waterproofing experts.

Important first step: careful, detailed preparation

“We made it a point to place particular emphasis on careful, detailed planning”, says Jørgen Krogh, Segment Manager Concrete Repair/Civil Engineering at Master Builders Solutions. “The first step, therefore, was to get a clear picture of the general conditions on site, to thoroughly inspect the entire setup, and to check and verify the damage reported. Based on this and working with the consultant and the appointed contractor, we were then able to develop a sound refurbishment plan using our tried-and-tested Master Builders Solutions products.” For use on the project, the materials had to meet stringent requirements: Principal demands included complete watertightness, approval for use with potable water, and long-term durability and sturdiness to support the recreation of the arctic coastal landscape and to withstand the impact from polar-bear claws and seal fins. Following the animals’ temporary relocation to other zoos, the refurbishment work could finally get under way.

Getting to the bottom of the problem

In a first step, several tons of artificial rock had to be removed to gain access to the concrete structure underneath. Here, cracks and leaks were detected in anchoring holes and around the nylon-and-steel reinforcement rods. After several thousand anchoring holes and some 10,000 reinforcement rods were drilled out, the damaged concrete was then repaired using MasterEmaco N 5200. In places where concrete samples had been taken, drill holes were filled with MasterFlow 980, a shrinkage-compensated precision grout.

Reliable waterproofing with MasterSeal solutions

Reprofiling was carried out using MasterEmaco S 5400 repair mortar; then, surfaces were sealed with the cementitious one-component waterproofing slurry MasterSeal 531 and discontinuous areas around, for instance, windows or pipes with the polyurethane-based MasterSeal NP 474 flexible joint sealant. The final step consisted in the application of three to four layers of the MasterSeal 6808 polyurethane-membrane system, with a reinforcement mesh embedded into the first layer. 

Enter the bear

After three months of refurbishment work, the artificial coastal landscape was reconstructed, and the “Arctic Ring” prepared for the return of its inhabitants. Following six additional months of intense usage by the polar bear and his companions, the pools were drained once again for a final quality check – with excellent results: The pools and reservoir are now set for many years of reliable service.

BASF Den Arktiske Ring MasterSeal M 808 BS

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