Award-winning Czech winery project makes waves with Master Builders Solutions’ construction systems

Posted by Vanja Landeck - 17 June, 2021

Find out how our solutions helped turn the architects’ vision into reality on this stunning vineyard project in the Czech Republic.

Lahofer Winery in Morava is one of the largest wine producers in the Czech Republic, producing 800,000 bottles of wine a year from grapes grown in 4.3 km2 (340 hectares) of vineyards.

In 2020, the winery officially opened a spectacular new building at its U Hájku vineyard near Znojmo. Czech-Slovak architects Chybík + Krištof developed the concept for the project from their Brno architectural studio, creating new headquarters for Lahofer that reflect the history and landscape of the region through contemporary design.

One structure – many purposes

From the design phase during 2015-17 to construction in 2017-20, the focus was on ensuring the building could serve several uses on completion, inside and outside. The multi-purpose structure combines production operations, a visitor space and administrative facilities, while outside the roof curves down to form an amphitheater – a valuable community space for concerts and other cultural events.

A challenging design in tune with history and nature

Copy of Lahofer cam - chybik kristof  photo by alex shoots buildings-50The 3,900 m2 area of the Lahofer building takes the shape of an organic concrete wave with elegant rolling contours merging gently with its surroundings, expressing respect for both the countryside and the craft and tradition of winemaking.

The central theme of the design is the motif of lines of vines running through the building in the form of a construction system, echoing the vineyards below. The architects and planners were looking for the perfect products that would be both sustainably advanced and flexible enough to suit all the requirements of the ambitious design.

Making the vision a reality with Master Builder Solutions

Copy of Lahofer cam - chybik kristof  photo by alex shoots buildings-55The ideal solution to facilitate the creative design concept and deliver a sustainable, long-lasting structure came from Master Builders Solutions. Several products and materials from Master Builders Solutions were used in the construction of the roof and production facilities of the winery. The project’s architects briefed our experts to deliver a suitable insulation system for the new visitor center’s concrete roof – the key external element of the design. This 1,100 m2 area is a focal point of the building, as it also serves as an observation deck overlooking the surrounding vineyard slopes.

The proposed system was to be similar in color and structure to the concrete, a critical factor in not disturbing the appearance the building’s visible concrete surfaces.

Our solution

First, a leveling and gradient layer consisting of MasterEmaco T 450 mortar reinforced the load-bearing structure to establish its long-term durability and load-bearing capacity. Merging perfectly thanks to its similarity in color to concrete, this layer slopes down seamlessly to the stainless steel drains installed using a special PCI Barrafix EP adhesive.

Around 2,800 kg of the high-performance MasterSeal 6100 FX gray flexible insulation screed was then applied at a thickness of about 3 mm. MasterSeal 6100 FX is a waterproofing solution providing outstanding customer benefits, such as fast return to service thanks to superior curing time, reduced material consumption with proven performance, as well as a lightweight formulation allowing a reduction of environmental impact thanks to lower energy consumption in manufacturing, transport and application. Joints, details and connections to drainage systems were tackled by inserting flexible transition sleeves. The final tread layer consists of a wooden floor grate made of special water-resistant wood. Here are the benefits of MasterSeal 6100 FX at a glance:

In one of the winemaking facilities’ production halls, MasterSeal M 336 crack-bridging waterproofing membrane formed the insulating base layer for a 60 m2 area of flooring. This one-part elastic membrane provides significantly increasing waterproofing and crack-bridging properties.

The collecting sump under the grape hopper was first treated with MasterSeal P 385 primer. Once hardened, this product has the benefit of withstanding high hydrostatic pressure, increasing wear resistance and the structure’s durability.

SuCopy of Lahofer 03 - photo by alex shoots buildings-71stainable systems

Chybík + Krištof have established a reputation for putting sustainability at the centre of their designs. Master Builders Solutions’ construction systems delivered the need for sustainable products as well as performance, in keeping with the architects’ vision for a long-lasting structure that would become part of the landscape. 

Award-winning design

The new Lahofer Winery project has been recognised for its standout design in the architectural world. It was nominated for the Czech Architecture Award in 2020 by an international jury of experts, and made it to the final six projects to receive an honorary Finalist award. Lahofer Winery continues to be shortlisted for architectural awards in 2021. It has proved to be a hit with visitors, too, establishing itself as a popular tourist destination since opening.

Topics: Success Stories, Sustainability

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