Master Builders Solutions Blog

Shanghai Chemical Industry Park: Corrosion-protection of concrete surface

Written by Rita Tsang | Apr 25, 2018 4:00:00 AM

Soon after its launch in the region, Master Builders Solutions’ cutting-edge MasterSeal 7000 CR waterproofing solution has now seen its first implementation in Asia – as corrosion protection for the water management facilities at Shanghai Chemical Industry Park.

Shanghai Chemical Industry Park covers an estimated 30 square kilometers and is China’s first industrial area specializing in petrochemicals and fine chemistry. The operators aim at creating an industrial environment particularly conducive to investments, and this includes infrastructure facilities that meet the highest international standards – an approach that also applies to the industrial park’s wastewater treatment facilities. 

Wanted: effective concrete protection

Here, the consortium responsible for water management had been looking for effective corrosion-protection solutions for more than 12.000 square meters of concrete surface: In homogenization tanks, neutralizing tanks, anoxic ponds, aeration tanks, secondary sedimentation tanks, service reservoirs, and various other installations used in the daily processing of some 50,000 tons of industrial wastewater.

Complex corrosion processes

The concrete structures of wastewater treatment systems are subjected to complex physical and chemical corrosion processes, and this amount of industrial wastewater obviously makes substantial demands on the system. The requirements on the corrosion protection were correspondingly high: Safety has top priority, even more so in the chemical industry – therefore those responsible were looking for a protective coating that durably and reliably withstands extreme conditions.

Ideal combination of diverse properties

Clearly, this was the perfect application scenario for MasterSeal 7000 CR. The concrete waterproofing and protection system combines unique application and performance properties. It is extremely resistant to the general corrosion originating from biogenic sulfuric acid and can be applied on humid substrates, thus helping save time significantly in environments where water and moisture in substrates is a relevant part of the equation.

The key customer benefits of MasterSeal 7000 CR include:


(at 23 °C) until operational, due to rapid curing

window for application manually or by spray

moisture tolerance
for application on
saturated substrates

crack- bridging capability

and organic-acid resistant



Perfect solution for extreme environments

After thorough examinations and a detailed evaluation of the requirements, MasterSeal 7000 CR was chosen as a complete solution for the waterproofing and protection of the water management facilities at Shanghai Chemical Industry Park: the outstanding protective properties in very harsh environments served to convince designers and contractors alike that MasterSeal 7000 CR was the waterproofing solution best suited to their purpose.

About MasterSeal 7000 CR:

MasterSeal 7000 CR is based on Master Builders Solutions’ innovative XolutecTM technology:

The system provides effective long-term protection – this has been the result of an independent assessment conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology. Simulating, in a specifically set-up test environment, the typical impact on a sewage system over a five-year period, the results showed no significant impact of the aggressive environment on the protective properties of MasterSeal 7000 CR. Moreover, the novel protective coating is sustainable, too: It can significantly extend the life-cycle of wastewater systems, thus saving resources, energy and costs otherwise incurred for maintenance or replacement.

Sustainably effective

After on-site mixing of its two components, a cross-linked, interpenetrating network structure is formed that combines properties that, until now, were all but mutually exclusive – such as the resistance to even extreme chemical impact with just the right degree of elasticity to bridge cracks effectively. Application is simple and straightforward, too: The material can be roller- or spray-applied, and – a key benefit that bears repeating – this is also true for moist environments. Additionally, MasterSeal 7000 CR has quite exceptional hardening properties that permit the product to cure reliably even at low temperatures which often significantly impede the hardening process of construction materials.