Master Builders Solutions Blog

A new level of efficiency for construction projects

Written by Eric Boullenois | May 9, 2018 4:00:00 AM

How to prevent the cheap solution for a construction project in the wastewater-treatment sector from turning into a money pit? The answer is easy: By choosing the right technology and the right partner. Master Builders Solutions assists you in doing exactly that.

The fact that construction projects involve significant risks is well known. And those risks are there from the very beginning. Numerous high-profile projects around the world show how insufficient attention to detail or a lack in specific know-how can completely blow construction budgets or schedules. While wastewater-treatment systems and their construction and maintenance usually attract much less public attention, the same is, of course, true for them as well: Competent planning and execution minimizes risks with regard to the money and time ultimately spent on the project.

Inefficient solutions and unsuitable partners weigh heavy on the budget

According to a 2015 KPMG study, less than one third of all construction projects do not break their budget and only 25 percent stay within their schedule, and these figures already include a ten-percent margin of tolerance. In the public sector specifically, only one in ten projects is completed without overspending or schedule extensions. The most common reasons for construction delays and budget overruns include inefficient solutions and unsuitable project partners. In a best-case scenario, inefficient solutions in wastewater-treatment systems translate to time-consuming maintenance efforts; and without proper execution there simply cannot be a satisfactory result. 

Is “we have always done it this way” a useful approach?

Risk management regularly encounters a widespread obstacle – the force of habit: Many project managers rely solely on their previous experience, thus essentially excluding innovations from their range of vision. And this despite the fact that the wastewater-treatment industry is in urgent need of new technologies: The wastewater we produce, for instance, is becoming more and more concentrated and more aggressive and thus accelerates corrosion of the concrete in, for example, tanks or collecting basins. As a result, such concrete structures must either be protected more effectively or replaced on a regular basis. Maybe it is time to give innovative technologies the chance to show what they can do?

The courage to do things differently can mitigate risks

In Poland, the UK and China, among other countries, many operators of wastewater-treatment facilities have chosen to do exactly that – and tell of positive experiences throughout: Keeping a very clear eye on customer benefit, the experts from Master Builders Solutions have developed a novel technology. “Wastewater-treatment facilities have to prioritize uninterrupted service. When maintenance work is required, this should happen as a planned operation, not as a reaction to an emergency. Additional key requirements included short downtimes and reliable, durable protection”, says Elisabeth Casas Bolivar, Global Project Manager MasterSeal 7000 CR.

Taking into account all requirements

Equally emphasizing resistance to extreme chemical and mechanical impact in wastewater-treatment systems and effective crack-bridging properties, MasterSeal 7000 CR reduces the risk of unexpected interruption-of-service and significantly extends maintenance cycles. Ease of application, insensitivity to moisture, and rapid curing even at low temperatures speed up application and reduce downtimes to a minimum. The long-term protective effect of MasterSeal 7000 CR has also been confirmed by independent assessment carried out by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology.

Assistance from a committed team of experts

The experts from Master Builders Solutions have looked extensively into the complex conditions present in wastewater-treatment facilities: While they are similar in many respects, each individual project also has its own specific requirements. Our experts are happy to assist you with your project locally, closely examining its specific requirements and working out the ideal approach for you and your project. And this applies not only to wastewater-treatment facilities but also, for instance, to secondary-containment systems, roof waterproofing, concrete repair, the grouting of heavy machinery, or the selection and installation of the right flooring solution for all requirements.