Master Builders Solutions Blog

2mio m² waterproofed concrete - saving 3.4 mio kg CO2eq

Written by Albert Berenguel | Oct 5, 2020 4:00:00 AM

In concrete-waterproofing applications across Europe, MasterSeal 6100 FX has just passed the two-million-square-meter milestone.

Ever since its launch, the number of jobs successfully completed across 20 European countries in highly diverse applications – water tanks, dams, bridges and industrial plants, for instance, but also basements and balconies in residential construction – has grown steadily.

The success of MasterSeal 6100 FX is based on innovative properties that bring strong advantages  to job sites for both applicators and users. Among many other benefits, for instance, the highly elastic MasterSeal 6100 FX waterproofing membrane achieves up to 85% more yield compared to other cementitious products.

A lightweight and economical waterproofing solution, the high yield of MasterSeal 6100 FX translates to a reduction in overall material requirements compared to traditional two-component cementitious membranes. Additionally, in contrast to epoxy or polyurethane membranes, MasterSeal 6100 FX does not require the use of primers, further reducing complexity and material requirements at the job site.

Ultimately, such a reduction in material requirements means that every time MasterSeal 6100 FX is handled – warehousing, transportation, mixing, application – there is less of the material to handle compared to other alternatives. Likewise, the time, as well as labor, required for each operation is also reduced significantly, making MasterSeal FX 6100 a truly economical option.

Next to its marked economical benefits, MasterSeal 6100 FX also offers a higher degree of eco efficiency – a quantifiably lower environmental impact, in fact – compared to other standard waterproofing solutions.

As an example, and only looking at system installation, waterproofing an area of 2 million square meters with MasterSeal 6100 FX instead of an elastic cementitious two-component waterproofing membrane equals some 3.4 million CO2eq* not released to the atmosphere. For comparison: a mid-size passenger vehicle emits approximately 180 grams of CO2eq per kilometre. This means that, since the launch of MasterSeal 6100 FX, the equivalent emissions of 100 cars, each covering a distance of nearly 200,000 kilometres, have been saved.

Moreover, MasterSeal 6100 FX keeps delivering economical and ecological benefits even after installation when the structure is in service.

Much of this has to do with durability – the capacity of a product to maintain, over time, its main characteristics with only minimal maintenance requirements.

Once applied on concrete substrates indoors or outdoors, a waterproofing membrane is exposed to a wide range of weather and service conditions. And any waterproofing solution only meets its purpose – that of waterproofing and protecting the concrete beneath – as long as it retains its integrity and continuity.

Thus, one of the key characteristics of such a membrane is the extent to which it can compensate for cracks that may appear in or be transmitted from the substrate. This crack-bridging capacity must be evaluated, not only at room temperature, but also when the product is exposed to low temperatures, dynamic movements, and, particularly, after exposure to weathering, humidity, or UV radiation. If the membrane loses continuity, due to cracking or any other mechanical damage, the membrane must be repaired – as must any damage to the concrete structure that should have been prevented by the membrane.


  Without Weathering
After Weathering
+23°C -10°C +23°C -10°C
Crack Bridging (Static) 2,0 0,6 A4 (2,0) A3 (0,9)
Crack Bridging (Dynamic) - - B3.1 B3.1


MasterSeal 6100 FX is a highly durable elastic membrane that retains its crack-bridging properties in a wide variety of demanding conditions, extending the service life of the concrete structure and reducing maintenance and repair requirements. The result: lower costs, as well as a marked reduction in environmental impact.

All this has been taken into account in the eco-efficiency evaluation of MasterSeal 6100 FX in comparison to other waterproofing solutions, such as two-component elastic cementitious and two-component elastic polyurethane membranes, as well as two-component rigid epoxy or one-component rigid cementitious products. The results of the analysis are available here


MasterSeal 6100 FX quantified sustainable benefits:

Reduce your footprint and increase your bottom line


(*) Calculation based on BASF EcoEfficiency Analysis of application of MasterSeal 6100 FX on a 40-by-40-by-5 meter water tank.